It’s Finally Here! ‘Magic Mike’ Hits The Theaters…

And here are a bunch of different trailers and clips to remind you why you need to see this movie!

The reviews are also in and they are saying that it’s a damn good movie as well as a feast for the eyes.  I have a feeling the theaters will be packed this weekend.  Are you going?

And just for shits and giggles, here are some pictures to look at:


From their ‘Entertainment Weekly’ spread.

The guys at the MTV Movie Awards.




😉 I think this is gonna be my favorite scene.






















Now go see it!

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A Message From Me…

The teaser for the new season of ‘True Blood’ is kind of funny, huh?  Anyway, if I can get a little serious for a minute.

I just wanted to write a little something to let all of you know that I will be posting less frequently than I was posting.  I am finding that holding down a Monday through Friday job while running a blog is extremely hard work.  Not that I thought it would be easy, but I thought I would have some free time.  In order for me to post 5-7 things everyday Monday through Saturday, I had to put in a lot of extra hours.  It pretty much made it impossible to do some of the more necessary things in my life and the chaos that has surrounded me as a result is too much for me to manage.

Before this blog, I had never really done much on the Internet.  I actually had no idea what it took to start or run a blog, and I am in awe of the things some people are able to accomplish everyday.  It’s a lot of hard work.  The people who have managed to make money while doing it are truly inspiring to me.  I wish I was more capable, but sometimes you need to draw a line and say “this is what I need to stay afloat financially, emotionally and physically.”  Unfortunately, running a full-time blog on part-time hours is not going to be a part of that.

I am so glad that so many people found the time to check out this blog and were able to find something interesting.  It was a great experience and it actually made me want to start writing again.  There was a time when I thought writing fiction was where I would end up.  Sometimes, you get so caught up in trying to be financially independent that you lose sight of the dreams you had when you were younger.  It’s a hell of a lot easier to dream when you don’t have to worry about money.  But, I guess a part of me wasn’t ready to even try.  I kept using the same excuse of not having enough time to write.  Now I know, I have plenty of time.

Just so you know, this isn’t necessarily an end to this blog.  I may come back to post some things here and there.  I certainly have some left over images to put up here, so keep an eye out for that.  If something really great comes through for The Crypt stores, I’ll try to share those things as well.  And who knows, maybe I’ll post some of my writing in the future.  It would be nice to share.  🙂

So to all you faithful and even casual readers out there: thanks for reading and keep it classy!

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Images: Underwear Fetish Fun…








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Images: Sexy And They Know It…








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Images: Spandex Fetish Fun…








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